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Sweet Mother is a 501(C)3 charity established to give underprivileged girls both locally and globally a second chance through education.  We believe that education helps the most vulnerable people transform their lives.



Sweet Mother is a 501(C)3 charity established to give underprivileged girls both locally and globally a second chance through education.  We believe that education helps the most vulnerable people transform their lives.

In recent years, Sweet Mother has built classrooms and provided annual scholarships at the FAWE (Forum of African Women Educationalists) Secondary School for Girls in Waterloo Village on the outskirts of Freetown, Sierra Leone in West Africa.  Many of these girls were kidnapped, brutalized, and raped, during a 10-year war in Sierra Leone. All live at a poverty level. This FAWE school has been a refuge for these girls who have lost everything.  In addition, they must now overcome challenges such as the Ebola crisis to continue their education.

Here in the state of Connecticut Sweet Mother Inc, has contributed towards the College Tuition of a Student at St. Martin de Porres Middle School in New Haven, CT where students are guaranteed a great education and the preparation needed to attend private college preparatory high schools.

Sweet Mother has raised funds to meet its educational objectives through an annual dinner dance event, The Sweet Mother Awards, which celebrates and recognizes the outstanding strength in ordinary women.  These women have shown exemplary strength and courage as mothers and have been successful in balancing motherhood with their businesses, professions, and communities.  A secondary objective of the organization is to create a network of mothers around the world that provides a platform for the exchange of ideas and experiences.



Five Reasons to Support this Endeavor:

  1. Promotion: This event presents an excellent opportunity to promote your products/services.

  2. Exposure: Increase your company’s name recognition and exposure to almost 200 consumers with high socioeconomic status

  3. Media Coverage: This event’s Media Sponsor, will conduct a post-event feature that will also highlight sponsors. Moreover, all press releases will announce participating sponsors

  4. Marketing Support: Get your marketing materials and company information in the hands of your target market

  5. Networking to Increase Your Reach: This event is not only poignant; but, it presents ample networking opportunities that should be maximized for ongoing business growth

  6. Above all, to give hope and encouragement while promoting education, ethics, and literacy to women everywhere.


Show your support:

Platinum - $1000

  1. Full Page Ad

  2. Banner at Event

  3. Information at each table

  4. Logo on all marketing materials and website

  5. Acknowledgment at the event in a press release

  6. Company introduction at the event

  7. List of attendees


Gold - $750

  1. Half Page Ad

  2. Banner at Event

  3. Logo on all marketing materials and website

  4. Acknowledgment at the event, in a press release.

  5. List of attendees


Bronze - $250

  1. Business Card Ad

  2. Logo on all marketing materials and website

  3. Acknowledgment at the event, in a press release and magazine advertising


Program Book Advertising

  • Full Page: $200

  • Half Page: $150

  • Quarter Page: $100

  • Business Card: $50


c/o Eugenia Chinsman
114 Ledgebrook Dr.
Norwalk, CT 06854

  • Grey Facebook Icon

© 2018  Sweet Mother Inc.

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